Restoring Longleaf Pine

A single-touch way to plant a tree with a pyro-degradable shelter

The total acreage of Longleaf pines in the U.S. have shrunk from 90 million acres to only 3 million today. This patented device provides a way forward to restoration. Seed Crown™ has achieved seed-to-surviving-seedling rates at the one-year mark exceeding 60% for longleaf seeds planted straight into the forest ground . The method may offer new hope for direct seeding where the costs or collateral consequences of planting nursery stock the standard way aren’t acceptable.

Seed Crown Markets

  • Small landowners

    Those who believe in restoring the longleaf pines and are willing to jump in and join the effort

  • Government

    Entities such as the park and forestry services who can join the effort at a larger scale.

  • Other restoration

    Communities focused on endangered plants or the regrowth or prairie grasses also stand to benefit.